Friday, March 22, 2013

1 week post revision

These photos are from 1 week post revision surgery.  My right breast went up 100cc's.  As you can see, my chest wall is the biggest issue.   I think my breasts are actually the same size now.  I know they'll never be perfect, but I think they look so much better than before!  Recovery from the revision was a breeze.  Really, it was nothing like the first surgery.  I only took pain killers for a day and a half.. after that it was advil for another day or two.  I've literally had no issues.  Even the scar is starting to heal nicely.  It's still bumpy, but if I remember correctly, it'll only take a month or two to even out.  I was so nervous that it would look really swollen and be stiff, but there was virtually no swelling!


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